Petersfield Heath|

We are pleased to inform you that the boardwalk was re-opened on 23rd June after it was agreed that a one way system could be put into place, making it safe to re-open.  We would ask all members of the public to observe and comply with the current government guidelines of keeping a distance of 2m which requires no overtaking, but most of all we hope you enjoy the new feature.

One way system signage – covid-19

Aerial view of the new boardwalk

Petersfield Town Mayor, Cllr Lesley Farrow on the Boardwalk


4 Replies to “Opening the Boardwalk”

  1. Liz says:

    Are the toilets open please.

    • Kathryn Ellis-Blandford says:

      Currently we are having difficulty in coming up with a regime for managing and maintain the facilities there that EHDC Environmental Health officers are happy with. A solution is still being worked on but the resource being sought by Environmental Health is significantly greater than we have provided hitherto and is representing quite a challenge. It is not being helped by the age and nature of the facilities themselves either as they are due for a significant refurbishment in the not too distant future. We will notify the public if there is any change. Thank you.

  2. Tracy Symonds says:

    Hi, is there any update on the toilet situation? When I went 3 weeks ago it was only the disabled toilet open, wiring for 10-15 mins and no toilet paper or paper towels of anything and the toilet was not clean

    • Kathryn Ellis-Blandford says:

      Hi Tracy, the Heath toilets opened at the weekend for the first time to the public since lock-down. The delay was was due to trying to find a covid-cleaning regime to satisfy environmental health.

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