Your 2024/25 Town Mayor is Cllr JC Crissey. Find out more about this fiscal year’s Town Mayor and their chosen charities here.
Housing, Parking, Refuse Collection, Council Tax, Listed Buildings, Environmental Health and more.
Multipurpose Community Venue for Commercial and Non-Commercial Events such as Exhibitions, Fairs, Festivals, Orchestras, Musicals and more.
Education, Recycling Centres, Libraries, Museums, Public Transport, Trading Standards, Roads, Street Lighting and more.
EHDC have a map facility where you can find out about things that directly relate to where you live!
There is a dedicated page for the Festival Hall on the Petersfield Town Council website.
Visit Petersfield has its own website for visitors which also includes local information helpful for residents too!
HCC are responsible for maintaining our highways and they have a handy online reporting system.
Like most, our community is the heart of our town. Our volunteers and helpers are an indispensable resource for the success and prosperity of Petersfield.
Winton House Centre
Working together with local charities and voluntary organisations to provide a variety of services and activities which benefit the community
Petersfield Community Centre
Petersfield Community Centre holds regular community events and provides a meeting point for many groups, clubs and societies.
Established in 2018 to collectively maximise shared resources for the benefit of the Petersfield Community.
Other Charities & Organisations
Local Theatre Groups.
Investigating ways in which we can actively support local businesses and services.