Play Video

Bedales School

Mountain Ash

Churcher's College


Ditcham Park School


Petersfield Infant School

Small Leaf Lime

Petersfield Round Table

European Plum

Petersfield Twinning Association

Wild Cherry

Petersfield U3A

European Beech

The Petersfield School

Bird Cherry

The Petersfield Society


Winton Players

Cockspur Hawthorn

Community Tree Sponsors

Bedales School

Churcher's College

Ditcham Park

Petersfield Infant School

Petersfield Round Table

Petersfield Twinning Association

Petersfield U3A

The Petersfield School

The Petersfield Society

Winton Players

Community Tree Sponsors

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

Petersfield Town Council (PTC) has signed up as a partner for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

After a suggestion by a resident, Petersfield decided to plant a line of trees along the Avenue, at the edge of the playing fields, and to seek sponsors for each tree.

There are ten spaces, for ten different trees.  We are delighted to announce that each now has a community organisation sponsoring the planting. 

Bedales School

Churcher’s College

Ditcham Park School

Petersfield Infant School

Petersfield Round Table

Petersfield Twinning Association

Petersfield U3A

The Petersfield School

The Petersfield Society

Winton Players

There are ten trees, each different.  Professional advice was that it was wise to use a mixture of native and non-native, because of climate change.

The supplying nursery, Boningdales from Albrighton near Wolverhampton, has supplied some of these trees free of charge as its contribution to our Platinum Jubilee celebrations.   Sponsors have paid a standard averaged charge to include plaques and digger hire.   

To fit with the prestige of the occasion, these are first quality, semi-mature trees.   They have already been delivered to the Town Council’s Grounds team and are being stored safely until they can be planted.

We have conducted a ballot of sponsors.  Each sponsor now knows which tree has been allocated to them and where in the line it will be planted (position 1 by the Pavilion car park, position 10 nearest the Heath Pond). 

Each tree will be planted with two plaques: one showing the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee crest; the second showing the name of the local sponsor, the supplying nursery, the tree species and the planting date.

The ceremony will start at 1.00 pm on Wednesday 23rd March at the Avenue, moving from the Pavilion car park down towards the Heath Pond. 

We are hoping that representatives of the local organisations and many Petersfield residents will come along to watch proceedings.  We expect the ceremonies to be finished by 3.00 pm

The Queen's Green Canopy (QGC) is a unique tree planting initiative created to mark Her Majesty's Platinum Jubilee in 2022 which invites people from across the United Kingdom to "Plant a tree for the Jubilee."


Petersfield Town Council is keen to plant more trees in the Borough.  We are participating in the Queen’s Jubilee, whereby every tree planted under the initiative is recorded as part of a national target.

We have surveyed our land and identified the Avenue Playing Fields as a possible site.  We propose planting alongside the Avenue itself, by the railings, thus encroaching only minimally on the playing area available.

We have taken specialist advice.  The soil is being sampled at present.  Possible trees suitable for the site will be recommended.  The advice is to plant ten different varieties of tree, so that we do not run the risk of a future disease killing the whole  line.  Advice is also to buy trees that are already well advanced, as this is an area that suffers from anti-social behaviour and criminal damage; a more developed tree is likely to survive such an attack.

The cost will be £300 plus VAT per tree.  For that, we purchase the tree, plant it and care for it until it is established.  The cost includes a plaque and an invitation to a launch ceremony, whose nature and date is yet to be decided.

We should add that the trees will cost different amounts, depending on their rarity.  We propose averaging the cost and allocating trees to a donor randomly.

We are excited by this initiative and hope that local schools, groups and organisations will want to take part.

We are keen to complete this exercise in time for the current planting season.

Interested organisations should email and distribution will be given on a first come first served basis.

‘An early explanation of the scheme from December 2021’


In the same year at Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II celebrates 70 years on the throne – Churcher’s College celebrates its 300th anniversary by planting a Tercentenary Wood at Penns Place, Petersfield.

Damian Hinds MP and Petersfield Town Mayor, Cllr Phil Shaw were amongst the volunteers helping 1,000+ pupils taking part in the planting.



Head of Outdoor Work Andrew Martin planted 33 trees at Steep Common with the help of pupils from the school.

Ramshill Residents Assocation

The Ramshill Residents Association are planting trees of their own in the kickabout area of the estate.

Thanks to funding secured from East Hampshire District Council, the first phase of a new tree planting project is about to get underway on Ramshill.

On Saturday 26 March at 9.30am, 10 fruit trees are to be planted along the side of the Kickabout area which will be coppiced and cleared.

The project – managed by Ramshill Residents Association (RRA) committee as part of its commitment to improve our environment – received overwhelming support from residents who attended last November’s AGM.

“With climate change very much in the news and with Petersfield Town Council having set out a clear tree strategy for the town, this project could not be more timely,” said John Lees, RRA Chairman (pictured).

“These trees will be planted as part of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations where estates like ours are encouraged to join the Queen’s Green Canopy initiative”.

• Special thanks to resident Phil Paulo (not an RRA committee member!) for sharing his expertise and for all his help with this project.

• Do come and help to plant our trees! To volunteer please email
Ramshill Roundabout newsletter March 2022
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