This committee came out of the group set up to write the Petersfield Neigbourhood Plan 2013-2028 (PNP) Once the plan was approved by the residents in a referendum, work started on making the plan reality. The TDC comprises of representatives of all levels of local government together with co-opted residents with particular expertise to bring to the committee. Until recently this was the main forum for getting together to coordinate plans and prioritise spending on infrastructure. The Petersfield Strategy Group put in place by the Place Making Team at EHDC has taken over some of its functions particularly revamping the Town Centre. The two bodies work closely together. Any change, even those agreed in the PNP are controversial, so consensus is sought at every stage. The PNP is being updated to reflect changes since 2015
PTC and the wider town will be judged on their response to climate change. We coordinate the Council’s response to climate change strategy. Working closely with PeCAN this is our most important role.
Other areas are promoting road safety and active travel and promoting tourism and visitor information.
We are always pleased to hear residents’ views on the direction or specifics of the development of the town. Like all of the PTC committees it is easy to get a 3 minute slot to speak at a meeting or you can always contact the Chair.